Monday, July 12, 2010

Random Introduction

So, I guess I could start with who I am...
Well, I am Kaitlyn.
I just graduated from High School in May 2010, and then I moved. I know, sad. I had to leave my friends and boyfriend behind. It was seriously the hardest thing I have ever had to do.
I plan on joining the Air Force sometime after October, why October??
BECAUSE I'M GOING TO HARRY POTTER WORLD!!!!!! ^^ I am so excited. I am going with my granny and her best friend. And thankfully, Mom is footing the bill.
More about the boyfriend. :) We've been together over a year, and he makes me feel happy, and beautiful, and loved. :) He calls me Miss.
Now for the Air Force, so... I want to go to college, but I have no way of paying for it. So, I thought this would be a good opportunity to go to college and get my degree with getting some work experience with it.
To prepare for basic training, which I am dreading by the way... I have started running every other day. I run to and from the public pool. It's about a half a mile away, and I can run all the way there without stopping, but I have a hard time running all the way back without stopping. And for basic training, I have to run a mile and a half. So, good thing I have a while to get ready for it.
I am very passionate about art, and music. :)
They are some of my favorite things. I am always doodling on something, most of the time it's myself I'm doodling on. I think I am most fascinated with drawing eyes and also with drawing swirls, and I LOVE to combine the two. I know I'm not the best artist, but it's something I love, so I will continue with it.
Music, the healer of my soul. :) I love to sing, end of story. Haha. I will sing anything, or well, almost anything as I dislike screamo... which isn't really singing anyways... but, I sing pretty much anything. My favorite being country. :) I like to think that I'm a pretty good singer, everyone has told me so. Except my little sister... she always says I'm awful just because she's jealous. No, seriously, it's true. She can't sing very well, and hates the fact that I can. I'm not making it up, I swear.
Let's see, what else can I bore you with?? Teehee.
I rarely get angry, generally I'm just mildly annoyed. I like to smile, sounds cliche, but it's true. I am addicted to, as well as hitting home every few minutes on facebook.
Yeah, I think that will do for now.
Til tomorrow!
Lots of love- KEM.

What you can do:
Let me know a little about you, you never know, we could end up being the best of friends! :)

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