Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Running, Air Force

Running! Yayyy! (Not!) I'm not a big fan of running, well, I'm not now. The first few times I ran I was all, YEAH! THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN! Yeah, it's not like that anymore. I can run a half mile without stopping, but that half mile back does me in. :( I figure I will get it eventually.
Today was especially hard, only because I had to run into the wind, not fun. And I need to run a mile and a half.

So why all the running you ask? Well I'm going to be joining the Air Force sometime in the fall of this year, and in basic training you have to run a mile and a half as part of passing basic training. So, I figured I better get cracking on that. ;)
I also need to be able to do a million sit ups, which I can crank 'em out as long as my feet are stable, and about a billion push-ups. Good thing I'm allowed to do the girly ones. I can do those pretty well, but as soon as I try the regular push-ups, I can only do like, two, at the most, and my form sucks. :(
So, I need to work on that as well.

Today I'm going to visit my recruiter that's in my area. I need to be there at 2. I have tons of stuff to go over, and sign. :) Wish me luck!!!

Lots of love- KEM

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